Logos - définition. Qu'est-ce que Logos
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Logos - définition

Logoi; Logos (philosophy and religion); Λόγος; Logos, The; God the Word; Loghos
  • Aristotle, 384–322 BC
  • A 37-year-old [[Carl Jung]] in 1912
  • Greek spelling]] of ''logos''
  • [[Plotinus]] with his disciples

¦ noun
1. Theology the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.
2. (in Jungian psychology) the principle of reason and judgement, associated with the animus. Often contrasted with Eros.
Gk, 'word, reason'.
·noun A word; reason; speech.
II. Logos ·noun The divine Word; Christ.
Logos (, ; ; related to , cognate with Latin Legus (law), from Proto-Indo-European *leǵ-, which can have the meanings "I put in order, arrange, gather, I choose, count, reckon, I say, speak". It is a term used in Western philosophy, psychology, rhetoric, and religion.



Logos (UK: , US: ; Ancient Greek: λόγος, romanized: lógos, lit. 'word, discourse, or reason') is a term used in Western philosophy, psychology and rhetoric and refers to the appeal to reason that relies on logic or reason, inductive and deductive reasoning. Aristotle first systemised the usage of the word, making it one of the three principles of rhetoric. This specific use identifies the word closely to the structure and content of text itself. This specific usage has then been developed through the history of western philosophy and rhetoric.

The word has also been used in different senses along with rhema. Both Plato and Aristotle used the term logos along with rhema to refer to sentences and propositions. It is primarily in this sense the term is also found in religion.

Exemples de prononciation pour Logos
1. logos.
Thalma Lobel _ Talks at Google
2. log.
All In Nutrition _ Jason Phillips _ Talks at Google
3. on this log-log plot.
Searching for Simplicity & Unity _ Geoffrey West _ Talks at Google
4. So they were-- people printed log log papers, semi log
Quench Your Own Thirst _ Jim Koch _ Talks at Google
5. food log.
Stopping The Madness - The Mindset for Lasting Health _ Michael Stack _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Logos
1. In the beginning was the logos, and the logos is God, says the Evangelist.
2. Click enlarge for a closer look at readers‘ logos More....
3. The National Lottery logos are used with the consent of Camelot, which is the exclusive licensee of the logos, which are owned by The National Lottery Commission.
4. "Then, they said she can‘t have anything with logos displayed.
5. Both are clearly marked with Baltimore Tank Lines logos.